i get off the plane and everyone is very excited and we are happy to be in china let alone standing.
we are in line o go through customs and the lines are long and we are al talking. i as standing with a group of girls and they were talking loudly yelling from line to line. a chinese man in a uniform came up to us and said
"excuse me? BE QUITE"
i got yelled at without being in the country for 10 minuets.
i am going to die in a chinese prison.
the flight was fine.
all of the flight attendants were bitches.
they came by and asked me to turn off my ipod every four hours and one of them had the worst gay face have ever seen.
the audio on the personal entertainment center didn't work.
i sat next to a nice older woman who tried to teach me chinese. after about 45 minuets she realized it was a lost cause and gave up.
i dont think anyone on the trip read the books we were supposed to and some on the trip are given to vague racism which i know will lead to me in a fight i will lose.
Jackie Chan had a concert in the birds nest last night (he sings) but it was an hour away on bus and none of us have any idea what is going on.
Beijing is like LA with less freeways and more bikes. i have no feel for the city outside of the bus ride from the airport.
i cant sleep. don't know if i will.
i think i might be the only one who didn't have pain or sleeping pills on the plane. i should have bought niquill.
i'm gonna do ti chi in the park this morning before breakfast and later go to the forbidden city.
i have little to no idea what is really going on but i like being along for the ride.
everyone on the trip is the same way and we all get along fine
here are some pictures. none of them are very good.
p.s. i think i might be coming around on "poker face". i wish i hadn't brought my ipod at all.

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