I haven’t been able to write for a few days. Here are some notes I took
I wake up feeling rested and shower for the first time in three days.
Go back to classes and am told at lunch I can’t go to visit the migrant school because of swine flu and I should rest.
Watch some rome and go to the bamboo park but end up just listening to pod casts instead of meditating because I don’t feel like it.
. students at the university have pictures of Jordan up on their walls and the women don’t drink.
Couples are making out everywhere and the park is under construction everywhere.
Rome is making me paranoid and I get lost
I get home and everyone is getting off the bus and im relieved.
Got a massage from a blind woman. It was bizarre and not relaxing but I feel good and comfortable. I’m not on edge anymore.
I haven’t eaten much later and don’t eat much at dinner.
We go to the house of an artist who lived through the cultural revolution. He is egar to talk to us and offers us hard alcohol. We say no. his talk is fast and he reminds me of something but keeps saying a work in Chinese that sounds like the n-word and it distracts me. I accidently think about my own death for a second and I struggle to think about anything else while I he talks.
I ask a question about modern art and he gives an age appropriate answer and i completely check out.
The speaker who comes after Chinese class is dressed like a Wes Anderson character and is very old. He talks about Chinese people learning English and is charming and fun. When we are done asking questions he sings us home on the range.
The Olympic park is huge and I feel like im in the future. Its to big it tires us out and we rest on the field of the birds nest.
The is a thing in the sky that looks like a plane but it to far away to be sure. It hovers above the park. No one can explain what it is and I get distracted and I cant think of anything else.
There is a building that looks like the all spark. We keep asking people what it is but no one really answers so we get in a cab and head home.
People seem like they are loosing their minds and I kind of like the craziness. There is almost a fight and I act relieved but im really disappointed and I go to bed.
Im anxious about the final in Chinese but no enough to study and pretend like it isn’t happening and instead bullshit my way through poorly.
The two hours kill me and I need to get out of the class.
Eat spaghetti outside and I feel good again. I remember how much I love Beijing and know I will miss it. I almost call it a moveable feast to the people im eating with but I keep it to myself.
We practice for our presentation in front of the president of the college but no one takes it seriously and we all get stressed a little.
Talked to a venture capitalist in his home. The house was beautiful and had catacombs that looked like they were made by Disney.
His dog wont let us pet him. Being a dog in Beijing must be the most stressful thing. I wouldn’t let people pet me either.
We walk home in the rain.
The final presentation went better than expected. I cant tell if my Chinese teacher like me but I really don’t care all I can think of is our presentation. It wasn’t a big deal at all.
We go to dinner and its awkward but nice and I don’t drink my warm beer. We talk about apple pie and the food is really good but the rice is weird. I try to order a milkshake but give up after the third waitress.
I leave for the villages tomorrow and leave Beijing.

Do you realize that you were wearing shorts in one of those pictures?? Thats weird for me...